
December 21, 2012

Ballet outfit for American Girl Doll

what you need:
  • pink stretch fabric
  • pink fold over elastic (foe, got mine on ebay)
  • tulle (pink or white)
  • 11" elastic (1/8" wide)
  • matching thread
  • pink lightweight wool and needle set (5 or 2 , depends on you)
  • hard toed ballet shoes (I got mine from ebay)


How to make the leotard 

I used the free swimsuit pattern from LibertyJane (I love that site)
free swimsuit pattern
This pattern comes with detailed instructions and pictures, just follow them.

How to make the tutu

1. Cut a rectangle from the tulle 43"x 8" (tutu will be 4" long, you can adjust it to whatever length you want, just make sure you double it, see step 2)
2. Fold in half to make 43" x 4"
3. Sew along the folded side 1/4" in to make a casing where the elastic will go
4. Thread elastic with a safety pin through created casing
5. Tie or sew elastic ends together
You are done with the tutu !!!

How to make the leg warmers

1. It kind of depends a little on the thickness of the wool and the size of the knitting needles
You can either knit a rectangle and sew it together or you can knit it as a tube, up to you.
2. Cast on enough stitches (even number) to create 5" wide on the stockinette stitch (make a sample first)
2. Start knitting 5 rows alternating purl and knit stitch
3. Knit stockinette stitch (knit one row, purl the next row, repeat) until it is 3 1/2" long
4. Knit 5 rows alternating purl and knit stitch
5. Cast off loosely
Make two and you are done !!!


  1. Thank you! My granddaughter is going to be so very excited about this outfit.

  2. Can you make the ballet shoes?

  3. Yes, is there a pattern for the shoes?
